Return Policy


Please get in touch with us straight away at if you want to cancel your order. If your order has already been shipped, you must return the item to receive a refund.

Returns Policy

Here, it creates a return request.

You may return any items you bought from us within 30 days as long as they are unopened and in their original packaging. The cost of return shipping would be on the client unless there were an error with the order. When returning an item, we advise using a tracked delivery service because the consumer is responsible for the return until it reaches us. We will give the customer a pre-paid returns label for faulty items; we cannot cover the cost of return shipping.

We will take returned items by The Consumer Rights Act even if you have opened the products to inspect them. If you return your items within 30 days of the day after delivery, you are eligible for a refund (including any basic delivery costs paid).

Your item must be resalable and in the same condition as you received it to be eligible for a full refund. You must make a return claim on this page for us to process your return.

We may refuse replacement or refund in some cases or give a partial refund. These circumstances include:

  • Any item that is broken, missing parts, or out of its original packing is other than our error.
  • Any product returned after the 30-day delivery timeframe has passed.
  • If anything doesn’t fit the bill, we reserve the right to deny a return and a full refund.
  • Once we have received the returned goods, examined them, and determined they meet the return condition requirements, you, the customer, are qualified for a refund.

Shipping Error / Damage Policy

The customer is in charge of conducting a reasonable inspection of all deliveries. Within 30 calendar days of delivery, apparent external damage must be reported to with a copy of the signed delivery receipt and any pertinent supporting documentation (e.g., photos).

Within a limit of 30 calendar days of delivery, we must be notified of any shipping errors (for example, faulty goods, wrong quantities, and damage to products noticeable from the standard “out of box” inspection), along with a copy of the compiled delivery receipt and any meaningful supporting documentation (e.g., photos).

The assumption is made that the products were delivered intact without such notifications. This policy does not bear the customer’s rights about products that malfunction or fail to meet expectations while still being covered by the applicable warranty.

Product Exchange Policy

Let us know that you’d like to exchange your order for something else by sending an email to or giving us a call at +44 2080580646, filling out the necessary forms, and returning your package as usual. We will immediately refund you the difference if you’re exchanging your purchase for a less-priced item and email you to let you know when it has been done. We will contact you for the additional payment if you exchange it for a more expensive item.

When will my return or exchange be processed?

We can return your package in 2-4 working days, though they typically do it sooner. We need time to execute your exchange or refund after it is returned to us. If an item is broken or defective, we will replace it without charge and send you a pre-paid return label. Make a return and ask for an exchange if you want to exchange it for something else. In this case, the buyer will be responsible for covering the cost of return shipping. You have 30 days to return the item if we send out a replacement before you, the customer, send back the original item(s). If you don’t, you risk being charged. For any non-returned product, we have the authority to charge you using your original mode of payment (s).

Refund Policy

Once your returned item has been received and inspected, we will write you an email to inform you that we have it. Then, within five business days, we’ll send you an email to let you know that your refund has been processed and is ready to be refunded to your original mode of payment or credit card. If a full refund is not authorized, we will notify you and decide on a partial refund or the return of the items if you want to avoid taking a refund.

Under Money Back Guarantee

  1. If our goods were the incorrect size or color for you.
  2. If a product was damaged,
  3. Change of incorrect item ordered by buyer (you are responsible for the return back as this is not our fault)

Any product faults

Suppose your product was misrepresented, broken, counterfeit, and incomplete. Under the Bedding N Bath Money Back Guarantee, you have 30 days from the actual or most recent projected delivery date to ask for a return if you didn’t receive the item yet or if it isn’t as described.

Any defect within 30 days (subject to our Quality team inspection)

Please email us at if you have any questions about the above or other issues. We will take care of it and keep you as a satisfied customer.

Company Number : 14431244


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